by Touseef Shaikh
Kelli & Kyle began to understand years ago that how they lived, how they fed, and how they saw the world was getting more and further away from the way nature meant it to be. Our days were more and more about fluorescent lights, electronic screens, and ladder climbing than they were about our outdoor and adventure passions. They were continually bombarded with "new age" items intended to "fuel our active lifestyle" that was only manufactured from ingredients grown in factories and from their natural state more than ever. They felt more isolated from our world and our lives than ever before and determined that it was time to "get back to the wild."
Creating a company through this project would provide the opportunity to help influence the lives of so many more people
by linking them back to the natural world, and as the company to do that, they settled on Wildway. It can mean different things to different people to get back into the wild, but in a nutshell, it's about linking ourselves-to the natural world-to the food that comes from this.
It's about appreciating the beautiful landscapes that nature has given us, feeding ourselves with real food from the earth (as nature meant it to be), and knowing the relationship between the two.
Wildway's We Rise initiative launched in 2017 with the introduction of limited edition, seasonal items to give back to the city. We partner closely with smaller vendors and seasonal materials for these items to bring you one-of-a-kind deals and give a portion of the proceeds away to inspiring projects following our principles of Wildway. Read on to hear more about our present and previous deals and the causes and charities we endorse. You directly affect one of these big causes with each purchase of a We Rise product line and spread the impact and scope across the community.
Wildway Vegan Granola | Variety | Certified Gluten Free Granola Breakfast Cereal, Low - Walmart, Etsy, eBay
Wildway Keto, Vegan Granola | Apple Cinnamon Granola | Certified Gluten Free Granola - Walmart, Etsy, Ebay
Wildway Vegan, Gluten-free, Grain-free Granola - Dark Chocolate Sea Salt - 8oz - Walmart, Etsy, eBay
Wildway Vegan Granola | Vanilla Bean Espresso Granola | Certified Gluten Free Granola - Walmart, Etsy, eBay
Wildway Keto, Vegan Granola | Banana Nut | Certified Gluten Free, Paleo, Grain Free, Non - Walmart, Etsy, eBay
Wildway Keto, Vegan Granola | Coconut Cashew | Certified Gluten Free Granola Breakfast - Walmart, Etsy, Ebay
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About Touseef Shaikh
Hi, I am Touseef, and I can help you here with the right information about groceries. With years of experience in looking for nutritional information I can find the right products related to grocery and gourmet and can save a lot of your time."
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